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This graph is describing the correlation in searches for winter olympics and doping. As we can see, there is much more search for winter olympics during the time of the games themselves(2014 and 2018), but in 2018, there is a big increase in searches for doping(in scale of course). Although the spike in searches for doping is not considerably large. The change in terms of searching for doping is drastic. If we look back to 2016 as well, there is a spike in searches for winter olympics and doping maybe due to a story that came out regarding cheating in the games. Specifically in 2018, Russia was banned from the Winter Olympics due to evidence of doping with their athletes, and as we see from the graph below, there is a spike in searches for doping, Russia, and the winter olympics. This as well shows there is a clear correlation between searches of doping during the winter olympics in Russia.

If we look more closely at where around the world doping is searched, Russia comes up as being red, meaning doping is search a greater amount in Russia leading me to believe doping is a common thing to search in Russia. I can infer that if doping is a common topic to search in Russia around this time, doping must be much more common in Russia.

I see that doping is commonly searched in Russia and all of Europe, making me wonder whether other countries like Spain is involved in this scandal.

When looking more closely and Spain, there is a large concentration of searches for doping in the last 12 months, causing me to wonder whether Spain might be involved in supplying their athletes with illegal performance enhancing drugs.